Dewa Athena is the sport event in SMAN 3 Bandung. This event looks like PORAK (Pekan Olahraga Antar Kelas). Dewa Athena held on Saturday, 25 March 2017 in Lapangan Bali. Dewa Athena took 25-28 on March 2017 and 1, 8 on April 2017. That’s a lot of sport competition like Football, Basketball, Badminton, Running, Dodgeball, Volleyball, Gobak sodor, Tug of war which can be played by all student of SMAN 3 Bandung. The competititon is played against other class, there are 11 classes participating are X Science 1 until X Science 10 and X Social.
I joined many kind of sport, on 25 March I joined badminton. My partner in badminton is Qinthari. We started play badminton at 9 o'clock. Before we started play badminton, me and Qinthari practice to prepare. We practiced badminton around 5 minutes. We fight with X Science 6. At the end time, my class and X Science 6 had same score. So, we continue played until between my class and X Science 6 had different 2 score. If the class had 2 score higher than the opponent, so that's the winner of first round. At first round, my class win. At second round, my class and X Science 6 had same score again. At the end time, in second round, the winner is my class.
At 1.50 p.m., girls from my class played dodgeball. My class fight with X Science 1. In dodgeball game, 6 girls from X Science 9 is joined in this game. The girls are me, Qinthari, Sabrina, Nabila, Desiree, and In'ya. But, in this game we lose.
At 2 p.m., I joined volley with my class, my class fight with X Science 7. Unfortunately my class is lose in this game. At 12 o'clock until 12.30 pm is break for prayer and lunch. After that, boys in my class played football. And then my class win at football for boys.
On 28 March 2017, I joined tug of war and badmintonfor final. At 7.30 a.m. me and my friends played tug of war, my class fight with X Science 6. In first round, my class win. Unlucky at second round, my class is lose at this game. After I played tug of war, I played badminton again with Qinthari. At 9 a.m. we fight of badminton with X Science 7, and lucky we win fight with X Science 7. At 11 a.m. is final for badminton, my class fight with X acceleration. In this game, me and Qinthari very tired because in the morning we had played tug of war, and then after played tug of war we played badminton fight with X Science 7. In this game, player from X acsellleration always play with smash. Well, my class is lose from X Acceleration.
It's my story from Dewa Athena, thanks for reading.
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